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Climate Neutral Smart Cities

Help cities become climate-neutral

Cities are responsible for around 70% of the CO2 emissions. Therefore, cities have a significant role to play in the road to climate neutrality. However, cities and city administrators cannot do it alone. In fact, cities have direct jurisdiction over only a smaller part of the assets in a city. There is an obvious need for collaboration between cities and industry, financial institutions, academia, citizens to reach the goals.

Join us on our Journey towards climate neutral and smart cities

The Climate Neutral & Smart Cities hub of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency is taking an ecosystem approach to international collaboration, which includes quadruple helix actors from business, municipality, citizen and academic institutions. The main objective of this approach is to support the NL ecosystem to grow on the European and global market place of climate neutral and smart cities.

In the upcoming months, the hub will co-organize several sessions on urban challenges concerning scaling pilots, creating impact, mobilizing investments and facilitating public private partnerships. Check out our events and join the conversation.

Closed since 30 September 2022
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